NATO Secretary General: Russia’s War in Ukraine a ‘Strategic Failure’

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) — NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Tuesday that Russia’s war in Ukraine has been a “strategic failure” for Russian President Vladimir Putin, and that the Russian military has suffered heavy losses and failed to achieve any of its strategic objectives..

Stoltenberg made the remarks at a press conference following a meeting of NATO defense ministers in Brussels, where they discussed the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the alliance’s response..

“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been a strategic failure for President Putin,” Stoltenberg said. “Russia has not achieved any of its strategic objectives. It has failed to overthrow the Ukrainian government, it has failed to capture Kyiv, and it has failed to break the resolve of the Ukrainian people.”.

Stoltenberg said that the Russian military has suffered heavy losses, with an estimated 15,000–20,000 Russian troops killed and thousands more wounded. He also said that Russia has lost a significant amount of military equipment, including hundreds of tanks, armored vehicles, and aircraft..

“Russia has underestimated the strength and determination of the Ukrainian people and the unity of the NATO alliance,” Stoltenberg said. “Ukraine has put up a fierce resistance, and NATO has provided significant military and financial support.”.

Stoltenberg said that NATO is committed to supporting Ukraine for as long as it takes, and that the alliance is determined to prevent Russia from achieving its objectives in Ukraine..

“We will continue to provide Ukraine with the military support it needs to defend itself, and we will continue to impose severe costs on Russia for its aggression,” Stoltenberg said..

Stoltenberg also said that NATO is working to strengthen its defenses and deter further Russian aggression. He said that the alliance is increasing its military presence in Eastern Europe, and that it is developing new plans to respond to any future threats from Russia..

“We are determined to ensure that Russia never again threatens the security of our allies,” Stoltenberg said..

The United States and its NATO allies have imposed severe sanctions on Russia, including freezing the assets of Russian banks and individuals, and banning the import of Russian oil and gas..

The conflict in Ukraine has raised concerns about the possibility of a wider war in Europe, and has led to increased tensions between NATO and Russia..

NATO is a military alliance of 30 countries from North America and Europe. It was founded in 1949 to deter Soviet aggression, and has since expanded to include many of the former Soviet bloc countries..

Russia has long opposed NATO’s expansion into Eastern Europe, and has accused NATO of провоцируя conflict in the region..

The conflict in Ukraine has been a major test for NATO, and has shown the importance of the alliance in deterring Russian aggression and maintaining peace in Europe..

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